Downtown Delta offers a wide range of amenities that seek to respond to the many needs its businesses and residents of the surrounding areas. As well as a dedicated area for training centres and human development training for handcrafts, services such as a post office, a notary public office and private parking garages are also available.
Maintenance and property management services, alongside security and cleaning facilities, provide invaluable support to Downtown Delta, while an emergency medical unit, firefighting station and police station can quickly and effectively intervene should the need ever arise.
Gas Station
Serving all areas of the region, Downtown Delta’s ultramodern gas station, which occupies a surface area of 5,000 sqm, represents a much-needed solution to vehicle users in the region. Offering integrated ser vices for all vehicles, it represents a onestop shop for all maintenance needs, eliminating the need for long journeys to Cairo or Alexandria.

Fire Station

Police Station

Post Office

Gas Station


Facility Management




ERA Commercial Egypt had a notable contribution in the successful completion of the Downtown Delta transaction. ERA Commercial Egypt conducted comprehensive market research and an extensive feasibility study that resulted in positioning the development as it is viewed today.
The venture was then presented to Vernbro Global Investors and, after extensive support, VGI won the auction on the project. Finally, ERA Commercial Egypt played an eminent role in determining the project’s tenant mix in alignment with VGI’s right of use of the land plot. This was done based on a thorough understanding of the market’s dynamics and needs, and of future projections in the region.